1. Appeasement of the dictators : crisis diplomacy?
Author: / Edited by W. Laird Kleine-Ahlbrandt
Library: Central Library and Archive Center of shahid Beheshti University (Tehran)
Subject: Europe - Politics - 1918-1945,World war, 1939-1945 - Causes
Classification :
2. Apple of discord :
Author: Ian D. Armour.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: World War, 1914-1918-- Causes.,Diplomatic relations.,HISTORY-- Europe-- Austria & Hungary.,HISTORY-- Europe-- Eastern.,War-- Causes.,Austria, Foreign relations, 1867-1918.,Austria, Foreign relations, Serbia.,Hungary, Foreign relations, 1867-1918.,Serbia, Foreign relations, Austria.,Serbia, History, 1804-1918.,Austria.,Hungary.,Serbia., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 7, 7
Classification :
3. Considerations sur les causes des deux guerres
Author: مولف
Library: Library of Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: European war, 1914-1918-- Causes,World War, 1939-1945-- Causes,Europe-- Politics-- 20th cent
Classification :
4. Europe, the world's banker, 1870-1914; an account of European foreign investment and the connection of world finance with diplomacy before the war
پدیدآورنده : by Herbert Feis, with an introduction, by Charles P. Howland. Published for the council on foreign relations. New Haven, Yale university Press
موضوع : Finance,Europe-Politics, 1971-,World politics,European war, 1914-1918-Causes
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
5. European diplomacy between two wars, 1919- 1939
Author: Edited with an introd. by Hans W. Gatzke
Library: Library of Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Europe-- Politics-- 1918-1945-- Addresses, essays, lectures,World War, 1939-1945-- Causes-- Addresses, essays, lectures,Germany-- Foreign relations-- 1918-1945-- Addresses, essays, lectures,Germany- Foreign relations-- 1933-1945-- Addresses, essays, lectures
Classification :
6. Facing fascism
Author: / N.J. Crowson
Library: Central Library and Document Center of Shahid Chamran University (Khuzestan)
Subject: Conservative Party (Great Britain)--History,Munich Four-Power Agreement--(1938),Fascism--Europe,World War, 1939-1945--Causes,Europe--Foreign relations--Great Britain,Great Britain--Foreign relations--Europe,Europe--Politics and government--1918-1945,Electronic books.--local
Classification :
7. Facing fascism :the Conservative party and the European dictators, 1935-1940
Author: /N.J. Crowson.
Library: Library of History Department of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Fascism--Europe.,World War, 1939-1945--Causes.,Conservative Party (Great Britain),Europe--Foreign relations--Great Britain.,Great Britain--Foreign relations--Europe.,Europe--Politics and government
Classification :
8. Histoire diplomatique de l'Europe
پدیدآورنده : Barra, comte de
موضوع : Europe -- Politics and government -- 1871-1918 ،World War, 1914-1918 -- Causes
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
9. Histoire diplomatique de l'Europe depuis le Congres de Berlin jusqu'a nos jours
Author: par A. Debidour
Library: Library of Iranology of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
Subject: Europe - Politics and government - 1871-1918 - Causes,World War, 1914-1918
Classification :
10. Histoire diplomatique de l'Europe depuis l'ouverture du congres de vienne jusqu'a la fermeture du congres de Berlin(1814-1878)
Author: par A. Debidour
Library: Library of Faculty Literature of University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: World War, 1914-1918--Causes.,Europe--Politics and government
11. Le livre jaune francais, documents diplomatiques 1938-1939. Pieces relatives aux evenements et aux negociations qui ont precede l'ouverture des hostilites entre l'Allemagne d'une part, la Pologne, la Grande-Bretagne et la France d'autre part
Library: Library of Faculty Literature of University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: World War, 1914-1918,Europe-- Politics and government,War-- Causes
12. Military planning and the origins of the Second World War in Europe /
Author: edited by B.J.C. McKercher and Roch Legault.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Military planning-- Europe-- History-- 20th century.,World War, 1939-1945-- Causes.
13. Military planning and the origins of the Second World War in Europe /
Author: edited by B.J.C. McKercher and Roch Legault.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Military planning-- Europe-- History-- 20th century.,World War, 1939-1945-- Causes.
14. On borrowed time; how World War II began
Author: Leonard Mosley
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: World War, 1939-1945 - Causes,Europe - Politics and government - 1918-1945
15. Soviet foreign policy, the League of Nations, and Europe, 1917-1939
Author: R.H. Haigh, D.S. Morris, A.R. Peters
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: World politics - 1919-1932,World politics - 1933-1945,World War, 1939-1945 - Causes,League of Nations,Soviet Union - Foreign relations - 1917-1945,Europe - Politics and government - 1918-1945
16. Tableaux d`histoire comparee de 1878 al`explosion de la guerre de 1914
Author: / par Guillaume II,Wilhelm
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Europe -- Hist .-- 1871,World Politics,European war, 1914 - 1918 -- Causes
Classification :
17. The Gathering storm
Author: Churchill, Winston
Library: Central Library of APLL (Tehran)
Subject: ، Churchill, Winston, 4781-5691,، World War, 9391-5491 - Causes,، World War, 9391-5491 - Diplomatic history,، Europe - Politics and government - 8191-5491
Classification :
18. The Origins of the Second World War
Author: Taylor, A. J. P.
Library: Central Library and Documentation Center (Kerman)
Subject: Causes ، World War, 9391-5491,، World War, 9391-5491 - Sources,، Europe - History - 8191-5491 - Sources
Classification :
19. The Third Reich :
Author: Thomas Childers.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: National socialism.,World War, 1939-1945-- Causes.,Antisemitismus,Arisierung,Drittes Reich,HISTORY-- Europe-- Germany.,HISTORY-- Military-- World War II.,HISTORY-- Modern-- 20th Century.,Machtergreifung,National socialism.,Nationalsozialismus,Politics and government.,Social conditions.,War-- Causes.,Germany, History, 1933-1945.,Germany, Politics and government, 1933-1945.,Germany, Social conditions, 1933-1945.,Germany., 0, 0, 0, 7
Classification :
20. The Treaty of Versailles
Author: Jeff Hay, book editor
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: World War, 1939-1945- Causes,World War, 1914-1918- Peace,Germany- Boundaries,Germany- History - 1918-1933,Europe- History - 1918-1945
Classification :